I am Cloé, 48 years old, mother of two children. In the summer of 2016, I was diagnosed with metastatic pancreatic cancer. With that news, the ground disappears from under your feet and life seems to slip out of your hands. I knew this diagnosis was a death sentence. When it turned out that I did not have ordinary pancreatic cancer but a treatable form, I knew I might have a future. It turned out to be the rare cancer NET (neuroendocrine tumors). With several PRRT treatments, the tumors were supposed to shrink. Then it could be decided whether I was also operable.

During my first meeting with Prof. Dr. Casper van Eijck, he was immediately clear and spoke the words, now legendary to me, "This surgery is difficult - but I can and will do it!". He was very resolute and clear. Presented me with the facts, the pros and cons and the possible complications. Which, fortunately, I did not have to experience.

In de zomer van 2016 lag ik in het Erasmus Medisch Centrum. Ik had al eens met het idee gespeeld om mooie kaarsen te gaan maken, maar toen ik in Rotterdam in het ziekenhuis lag, heb ik me voorgenomen om die droom door te zetten. Zolang mijn situatie daar gelegenheid toe gaf. Daarbij ontstond ook gelijk het idee om zo ook iets terug te kunnen doen voor Support Casper. Met mijn wenskaarsenmerk L’AIMÉ bied ik kaarsen aan, bedoeld om stil te staan bij speciale momenten. Voor Support Casper heb ik een speciale kaars geproduceerd waarvan we een deel van de opbrengst aan de stichting doneren, deze kaars heet ‘Support Casper’ en is te vinden via de zoekbalk en tussen de geurkaarsen. Wilt u een andere kaars en toch doneren? Mail ons dan even voor overleg.

My wish is that in the near future, with pioneering research by Support Casper, a treatment can be developed for pancreatic cancer that can give future patients a more hopeful outlook. So much work has already been done to make other previously still deadly cancers chronic - the same should and can be done for pancreatic cancer.


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Every year, at least 3,000 people in the Netherlands are diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. In recent years, Prof. Dr. Casper van Eijck, pancreatic cancer specialist at Erasmus MC, saw no improvement for patients. In 2015, Support Casper, the campaign of the Foundation for Surviving with Pancreatic Cancer, was created to raise awareness about this serious former trying to treat pancreatic cancer effectively.

For the research, Prof. Dr. Van Eijck assembled a multidisciplinary team (OVIT) that includes virologists, molecular biologists, immunologists and neurosurgeons. The team is working tooth and nail to find an answer against the ravages of pancreatic cancer, focusing on "oncolytic viroimmunotherapy. 

In the short term, the virus production facility, a so-called Clean Room, built at Erasmus MC, after which the actual production of various, proprietary, viruses can be started. Essential for continuing the research in its own way and at its own discretion. A lot of money is needed for this.
